Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Project 2

Project 2  System furniture Specification + Cost Estimation

Due 07.08.2010
Create a typical work station for the future of Interior Design classroom.


1.  A typical workstation  + grouping of work stations in two.
a. Plan view
2.  Specs only ONE workstation.
1.     plan view with key
2.     axonometric view
3.     table of specs like below.
3.  print out a copy in 11 x17 and save an electronic format in a USB, prepare to hand-in in class.

Part Number
Part Description
Price per Unit
Total price

5 drawer lateral files

Monday, June 21, 2010

dsIT 106 Architectural Material Field Trip | 06.24.2010

@8:45a.m. |  WOODTECH – Oakland
Teresa Middleton

4611 Malat St.

Oakland, CA 6460
C. 415.265.4672

@10:30a.m.| 3form– Oakland
4815 Allendale Oakland ca 94619
Alma | 415-695-4480.

11:30-1:00 LUNCH @ Jack London Square
Broadway & 1st St‬
‪Oakland, California 94607‬
‪(510) 627-1670‬

@ 1:30p.m. | ANN SACKS - San Francisco
2 Henry Adams Street
Suite 125
San Francisco, CA 94103
T: (415) 252-5889

@3:15p.m.The Orchard Hotel – San Francisco, CA
665 Bush Street, San Francisco, California 94108

Jim Bruels
Director of Business Travel
The Orchard HotelsDirect Line415-365-0303

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Designer Materials Websites

Architectural Materials websites

Carpet Websites
Durkan by Mohawk {Hospitality carpet}

Shaw {Hospitality Group}


Patcraft Carpet
Steve Augenstein | cell 408 440 6411
e-mail |

SyStem Furniture
Steel Case

Steelcase Furniture to download


Project ONE


Project 1  Materials Specification + Cost Estimation

Create + refresh their current Interior of the The Standard Hotel located in download LA.

Provide a brand new identity for THE Standard Hotel
New + Refresh look of all public spaces on the first floor of the Hotels, including providing design ideas for outdoor space.  Client would like material consideration to be Green products. 

1.     Mood Board | due 06.15. 2010
2.     Selection of Furniture { images } + Finishes { carpet + wallpaper+ paints + etc } + Hardware { door handles + kick plate + faucets + etc.}
3.     Samples Tray ( showing materials)
4.     Present your solution in a powerpoint + printed book format + CDs contains all your work.

Due: 06.29.2010 Tuesday

Part Number
Part Description
Price per Unit
Total price

5 dr lateral files

dsIT 106 Greensheet

School of Art and Design, Professor Diana Seah, MFA, IIDA, NCIDQ certified
Interior Design Major Office:        : IS 202
Summer 2010 Phone            :  TBA
                                                                                                                              Office Hours     : No office hours
Course Title:  DSIT 106 Architectural Project Materials

Units:  3 units

Prerequisites:  Complete DSIT 34 Interior Architecture Foundation Studios

Skills:  | Revit +  AutoCAD + Photoshop + Illustrator


Recommend Text:
Elena M.S. Garrison, The Graphic Standards guides to Architectural Finishes, John Wiley & Sons, INC2002,
ISBN 0-471-22766-8

William R. Hall, Contact Interior Finishes, Whitney Library of Design, 1993.(ISBN: 0-8230-09335

David Kent Ballast, Interior Design Reference Manual: A Guide to the NCIDQ Exam, Professional Publications (CA); 2nd,  2002 (ISBN: 1888577746)

Course Description: 

Discussion and Analysis of materials for Interior architecture lectures and field trips emphasizing aesthetics sensibilities, human factors, manufacturing processes and specifications.

Student Learning Objectives:

On successful completion of this course, students will

1.     become familiar with the physical properties of materials and finishes and the associated manufacturing processes for creating these materials and finishes.

2.     understand the basic procedures for installation  processes.

3.     evaluate finishes and be able to prepare accurate and concise specifications for finishes.

4.     investigate and understand the relationship between all finishes and materials used in interior spaces.


1.     Course content will be introduced through formal lectures, field trips, quizzes, and  small scale projects or exercised are assigned.

2.     Students need to attend all field trips and guest speakers lectures, make sure noted are taken during the visit as pop quizzes are given on the following week.

3.     Guest Speakers and Field trips may fall outside class periods, if it happens, the following class period will be replaced. 

4.     If students miss class, it is students’ responsibility to find out and obtained their own copies of notes and lecture information.   Unless missing class is an emergency or else students will loose valuable in class participation which may affect your project. 

5.     All projects and assignments need to turn in on time.  No Late projects will be accepted. Late project will result in an F grade. 

Grading Criteria
Class participation + quizzes 30%
Assignment + Project + Exercises 70%

TOTAL 100%

Several factors will be considered to arrive at your final project grade and the factors include:

·       Conceptual design strength
·       Innovative design /willingness to challenge prevailing ideas
·       Design development, including resolution at detail scale
·        Functional resolution
·       Aesthetic resolution
·       Craftsmanship
·       Strength/ clarity of graphic presentation
·       Development of process
·       Attendant /Effort/ Attitude
·       Improvement
·       Participation in peer critique
·       Participation in class discussions

Grades for the course and for the individual projects will be assigned based on the following criteria:

A Student demonstrates a superior competency in completing course and studio project requirements and/or a superior comprehension of presented material. 
Student demonstrates an above-average competency in completing course and studio project requirements and/or an above-average comprehension of presented material. 
Student demonstrates an ability to adequately meet the requirements of the course and studio projects; and/or an acceptable comprehension of presented material. 
Effort is put towards completing requirements of the course and studio projects, but minimal requirements are not met. 
Student fails to meet acceptable standards for earning a passing grade for the course. 
A= 95 & above  |  A- = 94 - 90  |  B+= 89 - 86 |  B = 85  |  B- = 84 – 80 |  C+ = 79 – 76 |  C = 75  |  C- = 74-70 |  D+ = 69 – 66  |  D=65  |  D- = 64-60 F= anything below 60

Papers:  You are asked to visit a guest speaker and write a paper on a topic that relate to Architectural materials.
Hint: You may want to visit one of the guest speaker that IDSO or IIDA events.

Projects: Mini project will be assigned at the end of the class. 

Lab Fee: $30
Lab fee use to cover to update materials library samples, hire librarian.

University Policies

A.  Academic Integrity Statement

“Your own commitment to learning, as evidenced by your enrollment at San Jose State University and the University’s Integrity Policy, require you to be honest in all your academic course work.  Faculty members are required to report all infractions to the Office of Judicial Affairs.”  The policy on academic integrity can be found at:

B.  Campus policy in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act

“If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours.  Presidential Directive 97-03 requires that students with disabilities register with the DRC to establish a record of their disability.”

Emergency: 911 Escort 924-2222

Classroom Policy:
Teaching Professional Values:  No ringing Cell phone in the Classroom
No checking e-mail or surfing websites while instruction is lecturing, instructor has to right to close your laptop or ask you to leave the class.
No Cutting on Tables in the Classroom
No Spray Mounting in the Classroom
No Eating in the Classroom.  Water is allowed.
 Tentative Course Sequence:

Notes:  The course outline may be change depending on the phase of the class & the invitation of Professional guest speaker
as well as field trips arrangements.

Week 1 |  06/08 – 06/10 |  
06/08  |
Overview of materials:  CSI specification; Green materials, Building Codes, Symbols, Construction documents related to FF+E.  Show samples.
What is Hard cost versa Soft cost?
System Furniture
Overview of Project 1 + Project 2
| Project Choices |  Hotels
>> Project 1 | Materials + Finishes + Furniture | Hotels
>> Project 2 Group | System Furniture | Cooperate Offices
@9:00a.m. |  Lecture on flooring materials, seam diagram + calculation.
@ 10:00a.m-11:30p.m. GUEST Speaker |  Steve Augenstein  |  Patcraft Representative
@12:00-1:00p.m. | Class exercises |  Q + A for assignment

06/15 -06/17  |  Week 2
Commerical flooring materials|  Vinyl flooring, wood, VCT, etc.
Wall – Wood Venner paneling ; Panels system, details, 3 forms,
06/15  | 
Commercial flooring materials |
@9:00-10:00 | Application of the materials in Interior Space.
@10:00-11:30JAMES WILIAMS
1-877-276-7876 ext. 8663 | Armstrong products
@12:00-1:00p.m.  |  Mood board presented to class
06/17 |  Wall materials |  Hard + Soft
@9:00-10:30 | Lecture on Wood Veneers + Panneling
@12:00-1:00  |  Mood board presented to class

06/22- 06/24  |  Week 3
06/22 | Ceiling + fabrics  Lecture
11:00-1:00p.m. | Furniture + materials selection present to class. 
06/24 |  Field trip @10:00-5:30p.m. |  Tour @ SF + Oakland |
Place to TOUR |  Wood Tech | custom furniture construction firm, 3forms Showroom( 1 hr) ; Ligne Roset ( 1 hr), Bulthaup,  SF Design Center, Tour Steelcase @SF,etc.

06/29-07/01 |  Week 4
System furniture, Furniture, custom furniture, Lightings, Accessories, etc.
06/29 | Lecture on System furniture |  powerpoint presentation |  LEED TOUR
07/01 |

07/06 |  Week 5
Project due | 07/06/2010
07/06 |  WORK DAY | students need to be in class to work on projects; Project need to be finished by the end of the class and send to print.  Faculty will have a final review on your work. 
07/08 | Presentation |
Floor plan + specification; Mood board; Materials boards: Furniture + Finishes + Equipments; color schemes.
Materials sample | need to purchased a tray to hold all materials. 

CSI Specification

Project Requirement
1.      Materials sample TRAY | ask professor permission for election of color
2.      Power point presentation
3.      CD or DVD submitted all your work
4.      11 x 17 print out standard size with cover page
